If you find Hypertext Help with LaTeX to be useful, you are welcome to obtain the complete set of files and install them on your own machine. Retrieval and installation instructions are given below. They may be installed for use either with a webserver, which will ease network traffic and probably give you faster access, or they may be installed as local files which may be "read" with an HTML viewer, such as Mosaic, Cello, Lynx, Netscape, etc. without the necessity of a network connection.
To facilitate off-network usage, the files generally have only local (within the same directory) hypertext links. All links to "external" URLs, including much LaTeX information available on the Web, have been restricted to one file in this set other than the current one.
Although it is not required, if you make these files available on a public Web server, please send a note to [email protected] so that we can add you to the list of mirror sites.
The files are available via anonymous ftp as a Unix-compressed tar file (about 125 KByte) or gzipped tar file (about 85 KByte). Your Web browser can probably retrieve the files via the above link, or they can be retrieved by anonymous ftp to ftp.giss.nasa.gov. Login as anonymous and give your e-mail address as the password, then switch to binary mode and download the file by issuing the commands:
bin cd pub/sgreen/latex get filename.tar.Z
bin cd pub/sgreen/latex get filename.tar.gz
After downloading the file on your local machine, issue the Unix commands:
uncompress filename.tar.Z tar -xf filename.taror
gunzip filename.tar.gz tar -xf filename.tar
(Note: some Web software, such as Mosaic, will automatically
uncompress the file after retrieving it, in which case save it as
and execute only the tar -xf
line above.) This will create a subdirectory named
in your current directory which contains the complete
set of html files and which requires about 1 MByte of disk space.
The "Introduction" file is index.html
and the Table of
Contents page is ltx-2.html
You may rename or move the entire latex
if desired; all file references are local to this directory so links
should continue to work.