This FAQ was originated by the Committee of the UK TeX Users' Group (UK TUG) as a development of a regular posting to the Usenet newsgroup comp.text.tex that was maintained for some time by Bobby Bodenheimer. The first UK version was much re-arranged and corrected from the original, and little of Bodenheimer's work now remains.
An alternative HTML version of the FAQ may be found on the TeX Live CDROM.
A copy of the complete FAQ, in PDF with many hyperlinks, may be found on help/uk-tex-faq/newfaq.pdf (formatted for A4 paper) or help/uk-tex-faq/letterfaq.pdf (formatted for North American "letter" paper).
Most members of the committee of UK TUG, over the years since 1994, have contributed to this FAQ to some extent. The following people, who have never been members of the committee, have also contributed help or advice: Donald Arseneau, Barbara Beeton, Karl Berry, Giuseppe Bilotta, Damian Cugley, Michael Dewey, Michael Downes, Thomas Esser, Anthony Goreham, Norman Gray, Eitan Gurari, Hartmut Henkel, John Hobby, Berthold Horn, Ian Hutchinson, Werner Icking, David Kastrup, Regnor Jernsletten, Daniel Luecking, Sanjoy Mahajan, Andreas Matthias, Ted Nieland, Hans Nordhaug, Pat Rau, Heiko Oberdiek, Piet van Oostrum, Scott Pakin, Oren Patashnik, José Carlos Santos, Walter Schmidt, Joachim Schrod, Ulrik Vieth, Mike Vulis, Peter Wilson, Rick Zaccone and Reinhard Zierke.
on first page in LaTeX
and @
in macro names
does not work with \protect
and msy
work within...?
on the right side
gives up after a bit
will be flushed
occurred inside a group
Comments, suggestions, or error reports? -- see "Improving the FAQ" or "Extending the FAQ".
This is FAQ version 3.1b, last modified on 2002/09/08.