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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Hinweis: Einige Seiten auf astro.uni-tuebingen.de können veraltet sein und werden nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Note: Some webpages at astro.uni-tuebingen.de may be outdated and will no longer be updated.

XEPHEM Installed Catalogs

XEPHEM is a very exact and user-friendly planetarium program for Unix machines. It provides access to the Digital Sky Survey, to the Guide Star Catalog, and to other astronomical catalogs (e.g., the Hipparcos catalog, GCVS, etc.). It is currently only installed on the OSF machines.

The following astronomical data-bases are currently installed at IAAT for use with xephem. Unless otherwise noted, the catalogs were obtained from ftp://iraf.noao.edu/contrib/xephem/catalogs/. For these catalogs, the information on the catalogs appearing below is modified from the README file on this FTP-Site and from information in the files. For catalogs obtained from other sources, the information has been written by the undersigned. If you are interested in the installation of any other catalogs, please email Jörn Wilms ([email protected]).

Satellite Data

spacecraft.edb contains orbital elements for several interplanetary spacecraft (e.g., the Pioneer and the Voyager probes).

tle-new.edb contains the newest osculating elements of the 100 brightest satellites, converted from the Two-Line Elements as posted on the CelesTrak WWW (author T.S. Kelso [email protected]). Mirrored and converted to the xephem format weekly at IAAT.

tle-all.edb contains the newest osculating elements of about 8000 satellites posted by Mike McCant ([email protected] on his FTP-Site. Mirrored and converted to the xephem format weekly at IAAT.

Solar System Objects

asteroids.edb is the Lowell Observatory Asteroid Orbital Elements Database which contains osculating elements for about 40000 asteroids. It is split into two files: asteroids.edb containing all asteroids which can ever be brighter than 13mag (about 1400), and asteroids_dim.edb which are always fainter than 13mag (about 39400 objects). Asteroids are named with their sequence number followed by their common name, if one has been assigned. Mirrored and converted to xephem format weekly at IAAT.

comets.edb contains the osculating elements of currently visible comets as provided by the IAU Minor Planet Center on their Orbital Elements: Comets page. Mirrored and converted to xephem format weekly at IAAT.

Star Catalogs

YBS.edb are all of the entries in the Yale Bright Star Catalog which have a Bayer and/or a Flamsteed number. A few with common names have been renamed. Contact E. C. downey if you would like the remaining stars ([email protected]).

bs.edb is the Bright Star catalog.

GCVS.edb is the General Catalog of Variable Stars.

ppm.xe is the Position in Proper Motion catalog in special compressed format (can be used as a catalog for background stars).

hipparcos.edb: The Hipparcos main catalog, as available from ESA. More Information on the Hipparcos satellite and catalog can be found at ESA's Hipparcos Home Page.

gsc: The IAAT CD-ROM of version 1.1 of the GSC has been converted such that it can be used as a catalog for field-stars (use right mouse button in the sky view window). To save bandwidth, please do not change the source for the GSC to an external source.

Galactic Objects

Messier.edb is the Messier catalog.

lbn.edb is Lynds' Catalog of Bright Nebulae, 1965.

ldn.edb is Lynds' Catalog of Dark Nebulae, 1962.

sh2.edb is the Sharpless catalog of HII regions, 1959.

Extragalactic Objects

SAC.edb: Deep-sky entries from the Saguaro Astronomy Club database Version 6.0 are in SAC.edb. The NGC, IC, UGC and Messier objects have been moved into separate files. Some objects in the SAC database do not have well-accepted magnitudes. These entries are included but have special magnitude values of 99.9 or 79.9; 99.9 means no magnitude was available and 79.9 applies to dark nebulae.

NGC.edb is the NGC catalog.

IC.edb is the Index Catalog culled from the latest NASA-ADC server (many thanks to Christos Siopis, [email protected]). All NGC objects have been removed.

UGC.edb is the Uppsala General Catalog extracted from RC3, the Third Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies, available from ftp://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/adc/archives/catalogs/7/7155. N.B. magnitudes for which no entry existed in the RC3 have been set to 10.99.

cgcg.edb is CGCG (Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies) Catalog Converted from CGCG Catalog on the CD-ROM from the Astronomical Data Center "Selected Astronomical Catalogs" by Matthias Cramer ([email protected]).

qso.edb is from "Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (7th Ed.)", Veron-Cetty M.-P., Veron P. ESO Scientific Report 17 (1996).

Abell.edb contains the Catalog of Rich Clusters of Galaxies (Abell G.O., Corwin Jr. H.G., Olowin R.P., 1989, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 70, 1). The magnitude given is for the 10th brightest cluster galaxy, the size has been set arbitrarily to 100 arc seconds.

Other Databases

VLA radio calibrator sources for several wavelength bands are in vla*cm.edb.

pulsars.edb is a converted version of the Princeton Pulsar Catalog (J. H. Taylor, R. N. Manchester, and A. G. Lyne 1993, ApJS. 88, 529). According to the documentation in the file, the magnitude has been computed from the following C-expression:

Magnitude = maxf > 0 ? log(5000/maxf)/log(2.511) : 19.99
where maxf is largest of the 400, 600 and 1400 MHz flux densities, in mJy. This results in magnitudes from 0 to about 11.75.

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Jörn Wilms | Impressum
Last modified 2001 Apr 24