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TVLIST Source code in tvlist.pro


       Cursor controlled listing of image pixel values in a window.
Calling Sequence
       TVLIST, [image, dx, dy, TEXTOUT=, OFFSET= , ZOOM= ]
Optional Input Parameters
       IMAGE - Array containing the image currently displayed on the TV.
               If omitted, the byte pixel intensities are read from the TV
               If the array does not start at position (0,0) on the window then
               the OFFSET keyword should be supplied.
       DX     -Integer scalar giving the number of pixels in the X direction
               to be displayed.  If omitted then DX = 18 for byte images, and
               DX = 14 for integer images.  TVLIST will display REAL data
               with more significant figures if more room is availble to
       DY    - Same as DX, but in Y direction.  If omitted, then DY = DX
Optional Input Keywords
      OFFSET - 2 element vector giving the location of the image pixel (0,0)
               on the window display.   OFFSET can be positive (e.g if the
               image is centered in a larger window) or negative (e.g. if the
               only the central region of an image much larger than the window
               is being displayed.
               Default value is [0,0], or no offset.
       ZOOM - Scalar specifying the magnification of the window with respect
               to the image variable.    Use, for example, if image has been
               REBINed before display.
       TEXTOUT - Optional keyword that determines output device.
               The following dev/file is opened for output.
               textout=1       TERMINAL using /more option (default)
               textout=2       TERMINAL without /more option
               textout=3       .prt
               textout=4       laser.tmp
               textout=5       user must open file
               textout=7       Append to an existing .prt file if it
               textout = filename (default extension of .prt)
       If TEXTOUT > 3 or set to a filename, then TVLIST will prompt for a
       brief description to be included in the output file
Output Parameters
       Program prompts user to place cursor on region of interest in
       image display.  Corresponding region of image is then displayed at
       the terminal.   A compression factor between the image array and the
       displayed image is determined using the ratio of image sizes.  If
       necessary, TVLIST will divide all pixel values in a REAL*4 image by a
       (displayed) factor of 10^n (n=1,2,3...) to make a pretty format.
System Variables
       The nonstandard system variable !TEXTOUT is used as an alternative to
       the keyword TEXTOUT.   The procedure ASTROLIB can be used to define
       !TEXTOUT (and !TEXTUNIT) if necessary.
       TVLIST may not be able to correctly format all pixel values if the
       dynamic range near the cursor position is very large.
       Probably does not work under Mac IDL which does not allow the cursor
       to be positioned with TVCRS
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written by rhc, SASC Tech, 3/14/86.
       Added textout keyword option, J. Isensee, July, 1990
       Check for readable pixels     W. Landsman   May 1992
       Use integer format statement from F_FORMAT    W. Landsman   Feb 1994
       Added OFFSET, ZOOM keywords  W. Landsman   Mar 1996
       More intelligent formatting of longword, call TEXTOPEN with /STDOUT
               W. Landsman  April, 1996
       Added check for valid dx value  W. Landsman   Mar 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Major rewrite to call IMLIST, recognize new integer data types
                                           W. Landsman Jan 2000
       Remove all calls to !TEXTUNIT   W. Landsman   Sep 2000
       Always call UNZOOM_XY for MOUSSE compatibility  W. Landsman Sep. 2004

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 October 02 at 04:09 UTC

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