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PIXCOLOR Source code in pixcolor.pro


       Assign colors to specified pixel values in a color lookup table
Calling Sequence
       PIXCOLOR, pixvalue, color         ;Set color at specified pixel values
Optional Input Parameters
       pixvalue - value or range of pixel value whose color will be modified.
               A single pixel value may be specified by an integer
               If a range of values is specified, then it must be written
               as a string, with a colon denoting the range (e.g.'102:123')
               If omitted, program will prompt for this parameter.
       color -    single character string giving specified color values.
               Available options are 'R' (red), 'B' (blue), 'G' (green)
               'Y' (yellow), 'T' (turquoise), 'V' (violet), 'W' (white)
               or 'D' (dark).  If omitted, program will prompt for this
Output Parameters
       TVLCT is used in RGB mode to load the specified pixel values.
       Set pixel values of 245 to a color of red
       IDL> pixcolor,245,'R'
Revision History
       Written, W. Landsman ST Systems Corp.           February, 1987
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:15 UTC

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