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CURS Source code in curs.pro


       Selects an X windows cursor shape
Calling Sequence
       curs            ;Interactively select a cursor shape.
       curs, sel       ;Make the given CURSOR_STANDARD value the cursor
Optional Input Parameters
       sel  -  Either an integer giving the CURSOR_STANDARD value (usually an
               even value between 0 and 152) indicating the cursor shape, or
               a string from the following menu
       a -- Up arrow
       b -- Left-angled arrow
       c -- Right-angled arrow
       d -- Crosshair
       e -- Finger pointing left
       f -- Finger pointing right
       g -- Narrow crosshair
       h -- Cycle through all possible standard cursor shapes
Output Parameters
       Uses the CURSOR_STANDARD keyword of the DEVICE procedure.  Although
       this keyword is available under Macintosh and Windows IDL, the values
       used by this procedure are specific to the X windows device.
       If the user supplies a valid cursor shape value, it is set.  Otherwise,
       an interactive command loop is entered; it will continue until a valid
       value is given.
Revision History
       Converted to VAX 3100 workstations / IDL V2.  M. Greason, STX, May 1990.
       Avoid bad cursor parameter values  W. Landsman   February, 1991
       Don't change value of input param        W. Landsman   August 1995
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Use SIZE(/TNAME) instead of DATATYPE()   W. Landsman  October 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 October 30 at 04:49 UTC

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