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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Table of Contents


The procedures in this directory involve the use of the (usually X windows) image display. Notes:

TVLIST requires the use of the non-standard system variable !TEXTOUT. This can be added to one's session using the astronomy library procedure ASTROLIB.

To display astronomical coordinates with CURVAL, one must have a FITS header with astrometry information. The astrometry can be either the CRPIX, CDELT CROTA keywords used by AIPS, IRAS etc. or the CRPIX,CD keywords used in Space Telescope data. Several procedures from the ASTROM directory are used.

Users probably want to tailor TVLASER to choose their preferred FITS keywords for supplying annotation

Bill Thompson has written an additional set of image display routines that are not part of the standard IDL astronomy library but which are available at http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/solarsoft/gen/idl/image/. See the aaareadme.txt file in that directory for more info.

Index of Subroutines

BLINK To allow the user to alternatively examine two or more windows within a single window.
CURS Selects an X windows cursor shape
CURVAL Cursor controlled display of image intensities and astronomical coords
PIXCOLOR Assign colors to specified pixel values in a color lookup table
SIGRANGE() Selects the most significant data range in an image.
TVBOX Draw a box(es) or rectangle(s) of specified width
TVCIRCLE Draw circle(s) of specified radius at specified position(s)
TVELLIPSE Draw an ellipse on the current graphics device.
TVLASER Prints screen or image array onto a Postscript file or printer. Information from FITS header is optionally used for labeling.
TVLIST Cursor controlled listing of image pixel values in a window.
UNZOOM_XY Converts X, Y position on the image display to the the X,Y position on the corresponding image array. (These positions are identical only for an unroamed, unzoomed image with with pixel (0,0) of the image placed at position (0,0) on the TV.)
ZOOM_XY Converts X, Y position on the image array to the the X,Y position in the current window. (These positions are identical only for an unroamed, zoomed image with with pixel (0,0) of the image placed at position (0,0) on the TV.)

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 November 09 at 04:12 UTC

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