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TAB_READ Source code in tab_read.pro


   Procedure to read an SDAS table file
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       name - name of the table file
Output Parameters
       tcb - table control block
               Longword array of size 16 x maxcols+2
               where maxcols is the maximum number of columns
               allocated for the table.
               tcb(*,0) contains:
                  word 0       SPARE
                       1       number of user parameters
                       2       max. number of user par. allowed
                       3       number of rows in the table
                       4       number of allocated rows (for col. ordered tab)
                       5       number of columns defined
                       6       max number of columns
                       7       length of row used (in units of 2-bytes)
                       8       max row length (in units of 2-bytes)
                                       relevant only for row ordered tables.
                       9       table type (11 for row order, 12 for col. order)
                       15      update flag (0-readonly, 1-update)
               tcb(*,i) contains description of column i
                  word 0       column number
                       1       offset for start of row in units of 2-bytes
                       2       width or column in 2-byte units
                       3       data type
                                       6 = real*4
                                       7 = real*8
                                       4 = integer*4
                                       1 = boolean*4
                                       2 = character string
                       4-8     ascii column name up to 19 characters
                       9-13    column units (up to 19 characters)
                       14-15   format string
               tcb(*,max number of columns+1)= file name
       table - table array, Byte array row length (bytes) x nrows
       header - header parameters in form usable by sxpar, sxaddhist,
               sxaddpar, ect.
Revision History
       Version 1  D. Lindler  Jan 88
       Converted to NEW IDL  April 90  D. Lindler
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 26 at 05:05 UTC

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