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TAB_CREATE Source code in tab_create.pro


       Procedure to create a new table file.
Calling Sequence
       tab_create, tcb, tab, maxcol, maxrows, row_len, tb_type
Output Parameters
       tcb - table control block for reading from and writing
               to the file (see tab_open for description)
       tab - table array
Optional Input Parameters
       maxcol - maximum allocated number of columns [default=10]
       maxrows - maximum allocated number of rows   [default=100]
       row_len - row length in 2 byte units         [default=2*maxcol]
       tb_type - table type 'row' or 'column' ordered
Side Effects
       Table file is created and left opened to unit number tcb(0,0)
       for writing.
Revision History
       version 1   D. Lindler   Dec. 88
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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