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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Table of Contents


The procedures in this directory are useful for accessing the binary disk tables used by STSDAS (Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System). The LaTeX file idl_stsdas.tex in the /text directory gives a detailed description of the IDL interface with STSDAS images and tables. This file is actually a copy of Chapter 10 of the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) manual available via anonymous FTP.

Index of Subroutines

TAB_ADDCOL Procedure to add a new column to an existing STSDAS table.
TAB_COL Procedure to extract column information from table control block
TAB_CREATE Procedure to create a new table file.
TAB_DEL Delete specified row(s) from an STSDAS table
TAB_EXPAND routine to expand the size of an SDAS table file.
TAB_FORTOSPP Procedure to convert a FORTRAN format to an SPP format specfication.
TAB_MODCOL Modify column description in a STSDAS table
TAB_NULL function to locate null values within a vector of values from an STSDAS table.
TAB_NULLROW Insert null row(s) into a STSDAS table
TAB_PRINT Routine to print an stsdas table.
TAB_PUT Procedure to place new values into a STSDAS table.
TAB_READ Procedure to read an SDAS table file
TAB_SIZE Routine to extract the table size from a table control block
TAB_SORT Procedure to sort table by the specified column
TAB_SPPTOFOR This procedure converts an spp format specification to a normal Fortran format specification.
TAB_VAL Routine to read a column from an SDAS table file
TAB_WRITE Routine to write an stsdas table to disk
TABLE_APPEND Routine to append STSDAS tables to create a single table. Input tables must all have identical columns.
TABLE_CALC Adds a new table column from a expression using existing columns
TABLE_CONV Convert STSDAS table(s) to the host format
TABLE_DELETE Delete specified rows from an STSDAS table
TABLE_EXT Routine to extract columns from an STSDAS table
TABLE_HELP Procedure to decribe an SDAS table file.
TABLE_LIST List the contents of an STSDAS table.
TABLE_PRINT Routine to print an stsdas table.
TABLE_SORT Procedure to sort an STSDAS table by the specified column

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 November 09 at 04:12 UTC

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