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WFPCREAD Source code in wfpcread.pro


       Read designated header and chip of a WFPC1 image
       This procedure is designed to read the designated header and chip of a
       WFPC image.  If the PAR input parameter is supplied, then the group
       PARameter byte array is is returned.  If it is not, then the  header
       is modified by placing all the group parameters in the header as data
       Use the procedure WFPC2_READ to read WFPC2 images.
Calling Sequence
       WFPCREAD, file, chip, wfhdr, wfimg, par
Input Parameters
       FILE - The filename of the Header file of the image
       CHIP - The chip number to read (usually 0-3)
Output Parameters
       WFHDR -  Returned WF/PC header in a string array
       WFIMG -  Returned WF/PC float image array
Optional Output
       PAR  -  PARameter byte array (for group format header)
Revision History
       25-JUN-1990 Version 1 written
       2-APR-1992 Added code to add CAM and CHIP onto the FILTNAM1    EWD
       27-JUL-1992 Proper Header finally added  (E. Deutsch)
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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