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SXMAKE Source code in sxmake.pro


       Create a basic ST header file from an IDL array prior to writing data.
Calling Sequence
       sxmake, Unit, File, Data, Par, Groups, Header, [ PSIZE = ]
Input Parameters
       Unit = Logical unit number from 1 to 9.
       File = file name of data and header files to create.   If no file name
              extension is supplied then the default is to use .hhh for the
              header file extension and .hhd for the data file extension
              If an extension is supplied, it should be of the form .xxh
              where xx are any alphanumeric characters.
       Data = IDL data array of the same type, dimensions and
               size as are to be written to file.
       Par = # of elements in each parameter block for each data record.  If
             set equal to 0, then parameter blocks will not be written.  The
             data type of the parameter blocks must be the same as the data
             array.   To get around this restriction, use the PSIZE keyword.
       Groups = # of groups to write.  If 0 then write in basic
               format without groups.
Optional Input Parameters
       Header = String array containing ST header file.  If this
               parameter is omitted, a basic header is constructed.
               If included, the basic parameters are added to the
               header using sxaddpar.  The END keyword must terminate
               the parameters in Header.
Keyword Parameters
        PSIZE - Integer scalar giving the number of bits in the parameter
               block.    If the PSIZE keyword is given, then the Par input
               parameter is ignored.
Optional Output
       Header = ST header array, an 80 by N character array.
Common Blocks
       Stcommn - as used in sxwrite, sxopen, etc.
Side Effects
       The header file is created and written and then the
       data file is opened on the designated unit.
       Header files must be named .xxh and data files must be
       named .xxd, where xx are any alphanumeric characters.
       Call sxmake to create a header file.  Then call sxwrite
       to output each group.
Procedures Used
Revision History
       DMS, July, 1983.
       converted to new VMS IDL  April 90
       Use SYSTIME() instead of !STIME   W. Landsman   Aug 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Added optional PSIZE keyword   August 1999 W. Landsman
       Recognize unsigned datatype    January 2000   W. Landsman

Last modified by pro2html on 2002 September 18 at 03:55 UTC

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