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Abteilung Astronomie

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SXHEDIT Source code in sxhedit.pro


       Routine to interactively edit an STSDAS header on disk.
       VMS: uses EDT.
       Unix: uses whatever your EDITOR environment variable is set to.
Calling Sequence
       sxhedit, name, [ h ]
Input Parameters
       name - header file name (default extension is .hhh)
Output Parameters
       h - (optional) edited header
Side Effects
       A new version of the file will be created.
Revision History
       Version 1  D. Lindler July  1987
       Version 2  JAH Dec '88:  Converted to Sun IDL.
       Modified   D. Neill Sept, 1990: Now deletes all versions of sxhedit.tmp
                       made compatable with Unix
       Modified   D. Neill Apr, 1991: Ensures 80 char headers and will not
               create new version if no changes made.
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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