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SXGREAD Source code in sxgread.pro


       Read group parameters from a Space Telescope STSDAS image file
Calling Sequence
       grouppar = sxgread( unit, group )
Input Parameters
       UNIT   = Supply same unit as used in SXOPEN.
       GROUP  =  group number to read.  if omitted, read first group.
               The first group is number 0.
Output Parameters
       GROUPPAR  =  parameter values from fits group parameter block.
               It is a byte array which may contain multiple data types.
               The function SXGPAR can be used to retrieve values from it.
Common Blocks
       Uses IDL Common STCOMMN to access parameters.
Side Effects
       IO is performed.
Revision History
       WRITTEN, Don Lindler, July, 1 1987
       MODIFIED, Don Neill, Jan 11, 1991 - derived from sxread.pro
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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