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SXGINFO Source code in sxginfo.pro


       Return information on all group parameters in an STSDAS header.
       Return datatype, starting byte, and number bytes for all group
       parameters in an STSDAS file.     Obtaining these values
       greatly speed up execution time in subsequent calls to SXGPAR.
Calling Sequence
       sxginfo, h, par, type, sbyte, nbytes
Input Parameters
       h - header returned by SXOPEN
       par - parameter block returned by SXREAD or multiple
               parameter blocks stored in array of dimension
               greater than one.
Output Parameters
       type - data type (if not supplied or null string, the
               header is searched for type,sbyte, and nbytes)
       sbyte - starting byte in parameter block for data
       nbytes - number of bytes in parameter block for data
       The number of elements in type,sbyte and nbytes equals the total
       number of group parameters.
       The parameter type for each parameter is obtained
       from PDTYPEn keyword.  If not found then DATATYPE keyword
       value is used.  If that is not found then BITPIX is
       used.  BITPIX=8, byte; BITPIX=16 integer*2; BITPIX=32
       For an example of the use of SXGINFO, see CONV_STSDAS
Revision History
       version 1  W. Landsman   Apr. 93
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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