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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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STRD Source code in strd.pro


       Open an STSDAS file and read into an image array and header.
       Combines the functions of SXREAD and SXOPEN.
Calling Sequence
       STRD, im, hdr, [ filename, GROUP = , PAR = ]
Optional Input Parameters
       FILENAME -  Character string giving the name of the SDAS file
               to be read.  If omitted, then program will prompt
               for the file name.  If an extension is given, then
               it must terminate in a 'h'.
               A default extension of '.hhh' is assumed, if one is
               not supplied.  Under VMS, the version numbers are ignored,
               and the most recent version is always used.
Output Parameters
       IM - array containing image data
       HDR - string array containing header
Optional Input Keywords
       GROUP - scalar integer specifying group number to read.  Default is 0.
Optional Keyword Output
       PAR - Parameter block (byte array) read from group formatted data
Common Blocks
       STCOMMN - Created by SXOPEN.  STRD uses STCOMMN to check
               for an open unit, and to get image dimensions.
Side Effects
       STSDAS image array and header are read into IM and HDR
       IF FILENAME is not supplied, then the program will check that
       the image and header variable do not already contain data.
System Variables
       Set !QUIET = 1 to suppress informational messages.
       Program checks that specified STSDAS file exists before calling
       SXOPEN and SXREAD to read in data.
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written W. Landsman, STI Corporation August 1986
       Optional parameter "FILENAME" added November 1986
       Correctly print header size when more than 2 dimensions February 1996
       Add GROUP, PAR keywords, call PICKFILE   W. Landsman   March 1996
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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