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Abteilung Astronomie

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VSYM Source code in vsym.pro


       Create "Mongo"-like polygonal plot symbols
       This procedure generates a subset of Mongo-like plot symbols.
       The symbols are the rotationally symmetric ones that have
       a specified number of vertices and are either open or filled.
       (The half-filled symbols are not included.)     After defining the
       plot symbol with VSYM, make the call to PLOT (or PLOTS or OPLOT) with
Calling Sequence
       VSYM, Nvert
Input Parameters
       Nvert:     Number of vertices in plot symbol.  Maximum value
                  used is 24.
Keyword Parameters
       STAR:      Set this flag to get a star.  E.g.,
                  vsym, 5,/star gets you a pentagram.
       SKELETON:  Set this flag to get an asterisk-like symbol, where
                  the center is connected to each vertex.  E.g.,
                  vsym, 4, /skel gets you an X.
       POLYGON:   Set this flag to get a regular polygon.  This is
                  the default symbol type.
       FILL:      Set this flag to get filled symbol.  Default=open
       ROT:       Rotation of symbol about center, in degrees.
                  E.g., vsym, 4, rot=45 gets you a diamond, whereas
                  vsym, 4 gets you a square.
       THICK:     Line thickness of symbol.  Default=!P.thick
Revision History
       Written by:     R. S. Hill, RITSS, 2 Oct 98

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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