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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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SUNSYMBOL Source code in sunsymbol.pro


       Return the Sun symbol as a subscripted postscript character string
       Returns the Sun symbol (circle with a dot in the middle) as a
       (subscripted) postscript character string.    Needed because although
       the Sun symbol  is available using the vector fonts as the string
       '!9n', it is not in the standard postscript set.
Calling Sequence
       result = SUNSYMBOL()
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
       result - a scalar string representing the Sun symbol.   A different
               string is output depending (1) the device is postscript and
               hardware fonts are used (!P.FONT=0), (2) vector fonts are used,
               or (3) hardware fonts are used on a non-postscript device.
               For case (3), SUNSYMBOL simply outputs the 3 character string
       To make the X-axis of a plot read  M/M_Sun
       IDL>  plot,indgen(10),xtit = 'M / M' + sunsymbol()
       (1) The postscript output does not have the dot perfectly centered in
               the circle
       (2) SUNSYMBOL() includes subscript output positioning commands in the
               output string.
       (3) True type fonts (!p.font = 1) are not supported
Revision History
       Written,  W. Landsman,    HSTX          April, 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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