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LINEID_PLOT Source code in lineid_plot.pro


        Plot spectrum with specified line identifications annotated at the
        top of the plot.
Calling Sequence
       lineid_plot, wave, flux, wline, text1, [ text2,
                       LCHARSIZE=, LCHARTHICK=, EXTEND =, ...plotting keywords]
Input Parameters
       wave - wavelength vector for the plot
       flux - flux vector
       wline - wavelength vector of line identifications.  (only the lines
               between the plot limits will be used)
       text1 - string array of text to be used to annotate each line
       text2 - (OPTIONAL) second string array of text to be used for
               line annotation.  Since the text is written with
               proportional spaced characters, TEXT2 can be used if
               you want two sets of annotation to be alinged:
               eg:     Cr IV  1390.009
                       Fe V   1390.049
                       Ni IV  1390.184
                           instead of
                       Cr IV 1390.009
                       Fe V 1390.049
                       Ni IV 1390.184
Keyword Parameters
       EXTEND - specifies that the annotated lines should have a dotted line
               extended to the spectrum to indicate the line position.
               EXTEND can be a scalar (applies to all lines) or a vector with
               a different value for each line.  The value of EXTEND gives
               the line IDL plot line thickness for the dotted lines.
               If EXTEND is a vector each dotted line can have a different
               thickness.  A value of 0 indicates that no dotted line is to
               be drawn. (default = scalar 0)
       LCHARSIZE - the character size of the annotation for each line.
               If can be a vector so that different lines are annotated with
               different size characters.  LCHARSIZE can be used to make
               stronger lines have a larger annotation. (default = scalar 1.0).
       LCHARTHICK = the character thickness of the annotation for each line.
               It can be a vector so that different lines are annotated with
               characters of varying thickness.   LCHARTHICK can be used to
               make stronger lines have a bolder annotation.
               (default = !p.charthick)
       LINEID_PLOT uses the _EXTRA facility to allow the use of any plotting
       keywords (e.g. LINESTYLE, CHARSIZE) to be passed to the plot
Side Effects
       Program uses SET_VIEWPORT to set the !P.POSITION parameter to allow
       room for the annotation.   This system variable can be reset to the
       default value by setting !P.POSTION=0 or typing SET_VIEWPORT with no
Calling Sequence

       Once the program has completed, You can use OPLOT to draw additional
       plots on the display.
       If your annotated characters are not being rotated properly,
       try setting !P.FONT to a non zero value.
       Annotate some interstellar lines between 1240 and 1270 A.
       IDL> w = 1240+ indgen(300)*0.1    ;Make a wavelength vector
       IDL> f = randomn(seed,300)        ;Random flux vector
       IDL> id = ['N V','Si II','Si II','Si II']   ;Line IDs
       IDL> wl = [1242.80,1260.42,1264.74,1265.00] ;Line positions
       IDL> lineid_plot,w,f,wl,id,wl,/ext
       Note that LINEID_PLOT is smart enough not to overlap the annotation
       for the two closely spaced lines at 1264.74 and 1265.00
Revision History
       version 1  D. Lindler Jan, 1992
       Sept 27, 1993  DJL  fixed bug in /extend option
       Apr 19, 1994 DJL corrected bug in sorting of charthick (cthick)
       Sep 1996, W. Landsman,  added _EXTRA keyword, changed keyword names
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Work with !P.MULTI   W. Landsman   December 2003

Last modified by pro2html on 2003 December 19 at 05:54 UTC

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