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VECT Source code in vect.pro


       Print a set of numbers as a string with delimiters included
       This function returns the given vector in parenthesized coordinates
       as in the form (X,Y).  No limit on the number of dimensions.  Also
       note that the vector does not need to be numbers.  It may also be a
       string vector.  e.g. ['X','Y']
Calling Sequence
       tmp = VECT( vctr, [ form, FORMAT = , DELIM =  ] )
Input Parameters
       VCTR      The vector to be displayed  e.g. [56,44]
Keyword Parameters
       FORMAT    This KEYWORD allows the specification of a format for the
               elements.  e.g.: VECT([2,3],format='(f7.1)') gives '(2.0,3.0)'
       DELIM     This KEYWORD specifies the delimeter.  The default is ',' but
               other useful examples might be ', ' or ':'
Optional Input Parameters
       FORM      This parameter may be used instead of the keyword FORMAT
Output Parameters
       tmp       A returned string of the parenthesized vector
 Other Procedures/Functions Called:
Revision History
       03-JUL-90 Version 1 written by Eric W. Deutsch
       24-AUG-91 Format='' keyword added (E. Deutsch)
       29-AUG-91 FORM parameter added (E. Deutsch)
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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