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STR_INDEX() Source code in str_index.pro


       Get indices of a substring (SUBSTR) in string.
       The IDL intrinsic function STRPOS returns only the index of the first
       occurrence of a substring. This routine calls itself recursively to get
       indices of the remaining occurrences.
Calling Sequence
       result= STR_INDEX(str, substr [, offset])
Input Parameters
       STR    -- The string in which the substring is searched for
       SUBSTR -- The substring to be searched for within STR
Optional Input Parameters
       OFFSET -- The character position at which the search is begun. If
                 omitted or being negative, the search begins at the first
                 character (character position 0).
Output Parameters
       RESULT -- Integer scalar or vector containing the indices of SUBSTR
                 within STR. If no substring is found, it is -1.
Procedures Used
Common Blocks
       STR_INDEX -- internal common block. The variable save in the block is
                    deleted upon final exit of this routine.
       Utility, string
Revision History
       Written January 3, 1995, Liyun Wang, GSFC/ARC
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Use size(/TNAME) instead of DATATYPE()   W. Landsman   October 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 October 30 at 04:43 UTC

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