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N_bytes() Source code in n_bytes.pro


       To return the total number of bytes in data element
Calling Sequence
       result = N_bytes(a)
Input Parameters
       a - any idl data element, scalar or array
Output Parameters
       total number of bytes in a is returned as the function value
       (longword scalar)
       (1) Not valid for object or pointer data types
       (2) For a string array, the number of bytes is computed after conversion
           with the BYTE() function, i.e. each element has the same length,
           equal to the maximum individual string length.
Revision History
       Version 1  By D. Lindler  Oct. 1986
       Include new IDL data types    W. Landsman          June 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 December 17 at 04:43 UTC

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