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MAKE_2D Source code in make_2d.pro


       Change from 1-d indexing to 2-d indexing
       Convert an N element X vector, and an M element Y vector, into
       N x M arrays giving all possible combination of X and Y pairs.
       Useful for obtaining the X and Y positions of each element of
       a regular grid.
Calling Sequence
       MAKE_2D, X, Y, [ XX, YY ]
Input Parameters
       X - N element vector of X positions
       Y - M element vector of Y positions
Output Parameters
       XX - N x M element array giving the X position at each pixel
       YY - N x M element array giving the Y position of each pixel
               If only 2 parameters are supplied then X and Y will be
               updated to contain the output arrays
       To obtain the X and Y position of each element of a 30 x 15 array
       IDL> x = indgen(30)  &  y = indgen(15)
       IDL> make_2d, x, y
Revision History
       Written,    Wayne Landsman    ST Systems Co.    May, 1988
       Added /NOZERO keyword       W. Landsman         Mar, 1991
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Improved speed          P. Broos      July 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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