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HGREP Source code in hgrep.pro


       Find a substring in a FITS header (or any other string array)
Calling Sequence
       HGREP, header, substring, [/KEEPCASE, /LINENUM ]
Input Parameters
       header -  FITS header or other string array
       substring - scalar string to find in header; if a numeric value is
                 supplied, it will be converted to type string
Optional Input Keywords
       /KEEPCASE: if set, then look for an exact match of the input substring
                 Default is to ignore case .
       /LINENUM: if set, prints line number of header in which
                substring appears
Output Parameters
       None, results are printed to screen
       Find every place in a FITS header that the word 'aperture'
       appears in lower case letters and print the element number
       of the header array:
       IDL> hgrep, header, 'aperture', /keepcase, /linenum
Revision History
       Written, Wayne Landsman (Raytheon ITSS)      August 1998
       Adapted from STIS version by Phil Plait/ ACC November 14, 1997
       Remove trailing spaces if a non-string is supplied W. Landsman Jun 2002

Last modified by pro2html on 2002 June 06 at 03:44 UTC

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