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Abteilung Astronomie

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GETLOG Source code in getlog.pro


     Formats a logical directory for the given operating system.
Calling Sequence
     result = GETLOG(lname)
Input Parameters
     lname   - the base name of the logical (without special characters).
Output Parameters
     Returns appropriate string.
     Under VMS the logical is not translated since it may correspond to
     multiple directories.
     Assumes that the directory logical will have meaning to the host
     operating system.
       The operating system in !version.os_family is checked. If it equals:
               'vms'           then a ':' is appended.
               'windows'       directory name is translated with GETENV()
                               and a '\' is appended
               'unix'          directory name is translated with GETENV()
                               and a '/' is appended
               'MacOS'         directory name is translated with GETENV()
       Open the file 'stars.dbh' in the logical directory ZDBASE in an
       operating system independent way:
               IDL> openr,1,getlog('ZDBASE') + 'stars.dbh'
Revision History
       Written, JDNeill, May, 1990.
       Modified, JDNeill,Sep, 1990 -- for unix return full path instead of
               just environment variable name.
       Modified, I. Freedman, HSTX April 1994 -- for MacOS return full path
       Bug in CASE statement fixed.    JDO, HSTX, May 2 1994.
       Added Windows compatibility  W. Landsman      September 1995
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:14 UTC

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