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FIND_ALL_DIR() Source code in find_all_dir.pro


       Finds all directories under a specified directory.
       This routine finds all the directories in a directory tree when the
       root of the tree is specified.  This provides the same functionality as
       having a directory with a plus in front of it in the environment
       variable IDL_PATH.
Calling Sequence
       Result = FIND_ALL_DIR( PATH )
               PATHS = FIND_ALL_DIR('+mypath', /PATH_FORMAT)
               PATHS = FIND_ALL_DIR('+mypath1:+mypath2')
Input Parameters
       PATH    = The path specification for the top directory in the tree.
               Optionally this may begin with the '+' character but the action
               is the same unless the PLUS_REQUIRED keyword is set.
               One can also path a series of directories separated
               by the correct character ("," for VMS, ":" for Unix)
Output Parameters
       The result of the function is a list of directories starting from the
       top directory passed and working downward from there.   Normally, this
       will be a string array with one directory per array element, but if
       the PATH_FORMAT keyword is set, then a single string will be returned,
       in the correct format to be incorporated into !PATH.
Optional Input Keywords
       PATH_FORMAT     = If set, then a single string is returned, in
                                 the format of !PATH.
       PLUS_REQUIRED   = If set, then a leading plus sign is required
                       in order to expand out a directory tree.
                       This is especially useful if the input is a
                       series of directories, where some components
                       should be expanded, but others shouldn't.
       RESET   = Often FIND_ALL_DIR is used with logical names.  It
               can be rather slow to search through these subdirectories.
               The /RESET keyword can be used to redefine an environment
               variable so that subsequent calls don't need to look for the
               To use /RESET, the PATH parameter must contain the name of a
               *single* environment variable.  For example
                               dir = find_all_dir('FITS_DATA',/reset,/plus)
               The /RESET keyword is usually combined with /PLUS_REQUIRED.
Procedures Used
       PATH must point to a directory that actually exists.
       On VMS computers this routine calls a command file, FIND_ALL_DIR.COM
       (available only on VMS distribution) to find the directories.  This
       command file must be in one of the directories in IDL's standard search
       path, !PATH.
Revision History
               Version 11, Zarro (SM&A/GSFC), 23-March-00
                       Removed all calls to IS_DIR
               Version 12, William Thompson, GSFC, 02-Feb-2001
                       In Windows, use built-in expand_path if able.
               Version 13, William Thompson, GSFC, 23-Apr-2002
                       Follow logical links in Unix
                       (Suggested by Pascal Saint-Hilaire)
               Version 14, Zarro (EER/GSFC), 26-Oct-2002
                       Saved/restored current directory to protect against
                       often mysterious directory changes caused by
                       spawning FIND in Unix
               Version 15, William Thompson, GSFC, 9-Feb-2004
                       Resolve environment variables in Windows.
 Version     : Version 15

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 25 at 04:58 UTC

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