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Abteilung Astronomie

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F_FORMAT Source code in f_format.pro


       Choose a nice floating format for displaying an array of REAL data.
       Called by TVLIST, IMLIST.
Calling Sequence
       fmt = F_FORMAT( minval, maxval, factor, [ length ] )
Input Parameters
       MINVAL - REAL scalar giving the minimum value of an array of numbers
               for which one desires a nice format.
       MAXVAL - REAL scalar giving maximum value in array of numbers
Optional Input Parameters
       LENGTH - length of the output F format (default = 5)
               must be an integer scalar > 2
Output Parameters
       FMT - an F or I format string, e.g. 'F5.1'
       FACTOR - factor of 10 by which to multiply array of numbers to achieve
               a pretty display using format FMT.
       Find a nice format to print an array of numbers with a minimum of 5.2e-3
       and a maximum  of 4.2e-2.
               IDL> fmt = F_FORMAT( 5.2e-3, 4.2e-2, factor )
       yields fmt = '(F5.2)' and factor = .01, i.e. the array can be displayed
       with a F5.2 format after multiplication by 100.
Revision History
       Written W. Landsman              December 1988
       Deal with factors < 1.           August 1991
       Deal with factors < 1. *and* a large range    October 1992
       Now returns In format rather than Fn.0    February, 1994
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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