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DEF_DIRLIST Source code in def_dirlist.pro


       Define directory list using setenv or setlog
       Environment variables which point to a list of directories can
       end up to be very long.  In VMS this can be a problem, because logical
       names cannot be longer than 256 characters.  However, it is possible to
       get around this in VMS by assigning multiple values to a single logical
       name--a facility that does not exist in Unix.
       This routine will define the environment variable as either a delimited
       string, or as a series of values, whichever is most appropriate.
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       EVAR = The name of the environment variable to define.
       VALUE = The value to give to EVAR.  This can be either a single,
               delimited string, or it can be an array of directory names.
               The routine will choose for itself how to use this to define the
               environment variable.
       DIRS = FIND_ALL_DIR('+/data/fits')
Procedures Used
       SETENV, STR_SEP()
       Note: The intrinsic SETENV command is available under Unix & Windows
       only.   However, it is available as a Library procedure for VMS.
Revision History
       Version 1, 06-Aug-1996, William Thompson, GSFC
       Converted to IDL V5.0   June 1998    W. Landsman
       Use STRSPLIT instead of STR_SEP if V5.3 or later W.L.  July 2002

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 26 at 04:58 UTC

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