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CONCAT_DIR Source code in concat_dir.pro


       To concatenate directory and file names for current OS.
       The given file name is appended to the given directory name with the
       format appropriate to the current operating system.
Calling Sequence
       result = concat_dir( directory, file)
Input Parameters
       directory  - the directory path (string)
       file       - the basic file name and extension (string)
                                   can be an array of filenames.
Output Parameters
       The function returns the concatenated string.  If the file input
       is a string array then the output will be a string array also.
       IDL> pixfile = concat_dir('$DIR_GIS_MODEL','pixels.dat')
       IDL> file = ['f1.dat','f2.dat','f3.dat']
       IDL> dir = '$DIR_NIS_CAL'
       IDL> f = concat_dir(dir,file)
       Assumes Unix type format if os is not vms, MacOS or Windows.
       The version of CONCAT_DIR available at
       includes (mostly) additional VMS-specific keywords.
        Utilities, Strings
Revision History
       Prev Hist. : Yohkoh routine by M. Morrison
       Written     : CDS version by C D Pike, RAL, 19/3/93
       Version     : Version 1  19/3/93
       Documentation modified Nov-94   W. Landsman
       Add V4.0 support for Windows    W. Landsman   Aug 95
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Changed loops to long integer   W. Landsman   December 1998
       Added Mac support, translate Windows environment variables,
       & treat case where dirname ends in '/' W. Landsman  Feb. 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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