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CIRRANGE Source code in cirrange.pro


       To force an angle into the range 0 <= ang < 360.
Calling Sequence
       CIRRANGE, ang, [/RADIANS]
       ang     - The angle to modify, in degrees.  This parameter is
                 changed by this procedure.  Can be a scalar or vector.
                 The type of ANG is always converted to double precision
                 on output.
Optional Input Keywords
       /RADIANS - If present and non-zero, the angle is specified in
                 radians rather than degrees.  It is forced into the range
                 0 <= ang < 2 PI.
       The angle is transformed between -360 and 360 using the MOD operator.
       Negative values (if any) are then transformed between 0 and 360
Revision History
       Written by Michael R. Greason, Hughes STX, 10 February 1994.
       Get rid of WHILE loop, W. Landsman, Hughes STX, May 1996
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 July 28 at 04:10 UTC

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