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BSORT Source code in bsort.pro


       Function to sort data into ascending order, like a simple bubble sort.
       Original subscript order is maintained when values are equal (FIFO).
       (This differs from the IDL SORT routine alone, which may rearrange
       order for equal values)
Calling Sequence
       result = bsort( array, [ asort, /INFO, /REVERSE ] )
Input Parameters
       Array - array to be sorted
Output Parameters
       result - sort subscripts are returned as function value
Optional Output
       Asort - sorted array
Keyword Parameters
       /REVERSE - if this keyword is set, and non-zero, then data is sorted
                 in descending order instead of ascending order.
       /INFO = optional keyword to cause brief message about # equal values.
Revision History
       written by F. Varosi Oct.90:
       uses WHERE to find equal clumps, instead of looping with IF ( EQ ).
       compatible with string arrays, test for degenerate array
       20-MAY-1991     JKF/ACC via T AKE- return indexes if the array to
                       be sorted has all equal values.
       Aug - 91  Added  REVERSE keyword   W. Landsman
       Always return type LONG    W. Landsman     August 1994
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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