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Abteilung Astronomie

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BREAK_PATH() Source code in break_path.pro


     Breaks up a path string into its component directories.
Calling Sequence
     Result = BREAK_PATH( PATHS [ /NoCurrent])
Input Parameters
     PATHS   = A string containing one or more directory paths.  The
               individual paths are separated by commas, although in UNIX,
               colons can also be used.  In other words, PATHS has the same
               format as !PATH, except that commas can be used as a separator
               regardless of operating system.
               A leading $ can be used in any path to signal that what follows
               is an environmental variable, but the $ is not necessary.  (In
               VMS the $ can either be part of the path, or can signal logical
               names for compatibility with Unix.)  Environmental variables
               can themselves contain multiple paths.
Output Parameters
      The result of the function is a string array of directories.
      Unless the NOCURRENT keyword is set, the first element of the array is
      always the null string, representing the current directory.  All the
      other directories will end in the correct separator character for the
      current operating system.
Keyword Parameters
      /NOCURRENT = If set, then the current directory (represented by
               the null string) will not automatically be prepended to the
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 6 May 1993.
               Added IDL for Windows compatibility.
       Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 16 May 1995
               Added keyword NOCURRENT
       Version 3, William Thompson, GSFC, 29 August 1995
               Modified to use OS_FAMILY
       Version 4, Zarro, GSFC, 4 August 1997
               Added trim to input
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman 25-Nov-1997
       Fix directory character on Macintosh system   A. Ferro   February 2000
       Use STRSPLIT instead of STR_SEP()   W. Landsman    July 2002

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 February 25 at 04:58 UTC

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