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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Table of Contents


The procedures in this directory are general utility procedures that do not involve astronomy. They are included here either because they are required by an astronomy-related procedure, or because they are thought to be of sufficient general interest.

The procedure ASTROLIB defines the non-standard system variables !TEXTOUT, !TEXTUNIT and !DEBUG which some Astronomy Library procedures require to be defined before they can compile

Index of Subroutines

ASTROLIB Add the non-standard system variables used by the IDL Astronomy Library
BLKSHIFT Shift a block of data to a new position in a file (possibly overlapping)
BOOST_ARRAY Append one array onto a destination array
BREAK_PATH() Breaks up a path string into its component directories.
BSORT Function to sort data into ascending order, like a simple bubble sort.
CHECKSUM32 To compute the 32bit checksum of an array (ones-complement arithmetic)
CIRRANGE To force an angle into the range 0 <= ang < 360.
CONCAT_DIR To concatenate directory and file names for current OS.
CONV_UNIX_VAX To convert Unix IDL data types to Vax IDL data types.
CONV_VAX_UNIX To convert VAX IDL data types to UNIX (Sun,MIPS,etc.) IDL data types.
DEF_DIRLIST Define directory list using setenv or setlog
DELVARX Delete variables for memory management (can call from routines)
DETABIFY Replaces tabs in character strings with appropriate number of spaces
EXPAND_TILDE() Expand tilde in UNIX directory names
F_FORMAT Choose a nice floating format for displaying an array of REAL data.
FDECOMP Routine to decompose file name(s) for any operating system. V5.3 or later
FIND_ALL_DIR() Finds all directories under a specified directory.
FIND_WITH_DEF() Searches for files with a default path and extension.
FINDPRO Find all locations of a procedure in the IDL !PATH
FORPRINT Print a set of vectors by looping over each index value.
FSTRING Wrapper around STRING function to fix pre-V5.4 1024 formatting size limit
GETFILES Prompt the user to interactively specify a list of files
GETLOG Formats a logical directory for the given operating system.
GETOPT Convert a string supplied by the user into a valid scalar or vector
GETPRO Search !PATH for a procedure, and copy into user's working directory
GETTOK Retrieve the first part of a (vector) string up to a specified character
HGREP Find a substring in a FITS header (or any other string array)
HOST_TO_IEEE Translate an IDL variable from host to IEEE representation
HPRINT Print a FITS header (or other string array) one line at a time
IDL_VALIDNAME() Modify a string if necessary, so that it can used as a IDL variable name.
IEEE_TO_HOST Translate an IDL variable from IEEE-754 to host representation
IS_IEEE_BIG Determine if the current machine uses IEEE, big-endian numbers.
LIST_WITH_PATH Search for files in a specified directory path.
MAKE_2D Change from 1-d indexing to 2-d indexing
MATCH Routine to match values in two vectors.
MINMAX Return a 2 element array giving the minimum and maximum of an array
MRD_SKIP Skip a number of bytes from the current location in a file or a pipe
N_bytes() To return the total number of bytes in data element
NINT Nearest integer function.
NULLTRIM Trim a string of all characters after and including the first null
NUMLINES() Return the number of lines in a file This procedures became mostly obsolete in V5.6 with the introduction of the FILE_LINES() procedure
ONE_ARROW Draws an arrow labeled with a single character on the current device
ONE_RAY Draw a line with a specified starting point, length, and angle
ORDINAL Convert an integer to a correct English ordinal string:
OSFCNVRT Return the correctly formatted logical directory syntax for the host OS
PRODUCT() Calculate the product of all the elements of an array
QGET_STRING To get a string from the keyboard without echoing it to the screen.
RDFLOAT Quickly read a numeric ASCII data file into IDL floating/double vectors.
READ_KEY To read a keystroke and return its ASCII equivalent
READCOL Read a free-format ASCII file with columns of data into IDL vectors
READFMT Quickly read a fixed format ASCII data file into IDL variables.
REM_DUP Function to remove duplicate values from a vector.
REMCHAR Remove all appearances of character (char) from string (st)
REMOVE Contract a vector or up to 7 vectors by removing specified elements
REPSTR Replace all occurences of one substring by another.
SCR_ATTRIB To set the screen attribute to those given, in the given order.
SCR_CHARSET To change the character sets.
SCR_CURMOV To mov the cursor around the screen relative to its original position.
SCR_CURPOS To position the cursor at the specified screen location.
SCR_ERASE To erase portions of the terminal screen.
SCR_OTHER To allow the user to issue any ESCAPE sequence.
SCR_RESET To reset the terminal.
SCR_SCROLL Define the scrolling area on the screen.
SCREEN_SELECT Allow a user to make an interactive screen selection from a list
SELECT_O Dumb-terminal routine to let a user interactively select from a list
SELECT_W Create a non-exclusive widget menu of items
SPEC_DIR Complete a file specification by appending the default disk or directory
STORE_ARRAY Insert array INSERT into the array DESTINATION
STR_INDEX() Get indices of a substring (SUBSTR) in string.
STRN Convert a number to a string and remove padded blanks.
STRNUMBER() Function to determine if a string is a valid numeric value.
TEXTCLOSE Close a text outpu file previously opened with TEXTOPEN
TEXTOPEN Open a device specified by TEXTOUT with unit !TEXTUNIT
TO_HEX Translate a non-negative decimal integer to a hexadecimal string
VALID_NUM Check if a string is a valid number representation.
VECT Print a set of numbers as a string with delimiters included
WHERENAN Find the indices of all IEEE NaN values in an array.
ZPARCHECK Routine to check user parameters to a procedure

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 November 09 at 04:12 UTC

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