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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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QTRAP Source code in qtrap.pro


       Integrate using trapezoidal rule to specified accuracy.
       Integrate a function to specified accuracy using the extended
       trapezoidal rule.   Adapted from Numerical Recipes (1992, 2nd edition),
       Section 4.2.
Calling Sequence
       QTRAP, func, A, B, S, [EPS = , MAX_ITER =, _EXTRA = ]
Input Parameters
       func - scalar string giving name of function of one variable to
               be integrated
       A,B  - numeric scalars giving the lower and upper bound of the
Output Parameters
       S - Scalar giving the approximation to the integral of the specified
               function between A and B.
Keyword Parameters
       EPS - scalar specify the fractional accuracy before ending the
             iteration.    Default = 1E-6
       MAX_ITER - Integer specifying the total number iterations at which
               QTRAP will terminate even if the specified accuracy has not yet
               been met.    The maximum number of function evaluations will
               be 2^(MAX_ITER).   Default value is MAX_ITER = 20
       Any other keywords are passed directly to the user-supplied function
       via the _EXTRA facility.
       QTRAP is robust way of doing integrals that are not very smooth.  If the
       function has a continuous 3rd derivative then the function QSIMP will
          likely be more efficient at performing the integral.
       Compute the integral of sin(x) from 0 to !PI/3.
       IDL> QTRAP, 'sin', 0, !PI/3, S   & print,S
       The value obtained should be cos(!PI/3) = 0.5
Procedures Used
Revision History
       W. Landsman         ST Systems Co.         August, 1991
       Continue after Max Iter warning message, W. Landsman  March 1996
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Pass keyword to function via _EXTRA facility  W. Landsman July 1999

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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