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MEANCLIP Source code in meanclip.pro


       Computes an iteratively sigma-clipped mean on a data set
       Clipping is done about median, but mean is returned.
       Called by SKYADJ_CUBE
Calling Sequence
       MEANCLIP, Data, Mean, Sigma
Input Parameters
       Data:     Input data, any numeric array
Output Parameters
       Mean:     N-sigma clipped mean.
       Sigma:    Standard deviation of remaining pixels.
Keyword Parameters
       CLIPSIG:  Number of sigma at which to clip.  Default=3
       MAXITER:  Ceiling on number of clipping iterations.  Default=5
       CONVERGE_NUM:  If the proportion of rejected pixels is less
           than this fraction, the iterations stop.  Default=0.02, i.e.,
           iteration stops if fewer than 2% of pixels excluded.
       /VERBOSE:  Set this flag to get messages.
Optional Keyword Output
       SUBS:     Subscript array for pixels finally used.
Revision History
       Written by:     RSH, RITSS, 21 Oct 98
       20 Jan 99 - Added SUBS, fixed misplaced paren on float call,
                   improved doc.  RSH

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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