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ASINH Source code in asinh.pro


     Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of the argument
     The inverse hyperbolic sine is used for the calculation of asinh
     magnitudes, see Lupton et al. (1999, AJ, 118, 1406)
Calling Sequence
     result = asinh( x)
Input Parameters
     X - hyperbolic sine, numeric scalar or vector or multidimensional array
        (not complex)
Output Parameters
     result - inverse hyperbolic sine, same number of elements as X
              double precision if X is double, otherwise floating pt.
     Expression given in  Numerical Recipes, Press et al. (1992), eq. 5.6.7
     Note that asinh(-x) = -asinh(x) and that asinh(0) = 0. and that
     if y = asinh(x) then x = sinh(y).
Revision History
     Written W. Landsman                 February, 2001
     Work for multi-dimensional arrays  W. Landsman    August 2002
     Simplify coding, and work for scalars again  W. Landsman October 2003

Last modified by pro2html on 2003 October 09 at 03:53 UTC

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