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FACTOR Source code in factor.pro


       Find prime factors of a given number.

Calling Sequence
       factor, x, p, n
Input Parameters
       x = Number to factor (>1).       in
Keyword Parameters

Keyword Parameters
         /QUIET  means do not print factors.
         /DEBUG  Means list steps as they happen.
         /TRY    Go beyond 20000 primes.
Output Parameters
       p = Array of prime numbers.      out
       n = Count of each element of p.  out
Common Blocks

       Note: see also prime, numfactors, print_fact.
Revision History
       R. Sterner.  4 Oct, 1988.
       RES 25 Oct, 1990 --- converted to IDL V2.
       R. Sterner, 1999 Jun 30 --- Improved (faster, bigger).
       R. Sterner, 1999 Jul  7 --- Bigger values (used unsigned).
       R. Sterner, 1999 Jul  9 --- Tried to make backward compatable.
       R. Sterner, 2000 Jan 06 --- Fixed to ignore non-positive numbers.
       Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
 Copyright (C) 1988, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
 This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
 sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made.  This
 routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
 whatsoever.  Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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