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IMLIST Source code in imlist.pro


      Display pixel values on an image surrounding a specified X,Y center.
      IMLIST is similar to TVLIST but the center pixel is supplied directly by
      the user, rather than being read off of the image display
Calling Sequence
      IMLIST, Image, Xc, Yc, [ TEXTOUT = , DX = , DY = ,WIDTH = ,DESCRIP = ]
Input Parameters
      Image - Two-dimensional array containing the image
      Xc  -   X pixel value at which to center the display, integer scalar
      Yc -    Y pixel value at which to center the display, integer scalar
Optional Input Keywords
      TEXTOUT - Scalar number (1-7) or string which determines output device.
               (see TEXTOPEN) The following dev/file is opened for output.
               textout=1       TERMINAL using /more option
               textout=2       TERMINAL without /more option
               textout=3       .prt
               textout=4       laser.tmp
               textout=5       user must open file
               textout=7       same as 3 but text is appended to .prt
                               if file already exists
               textout = filename (default extension of .prt)
       DX     -Integer scalar giving the number of pixels inthe  X direction
               to be displayed.  If omitted then DX = 18 for byte images, and
               DX = 14 for integer images.  IMLIST will display REAL data
               with more significant figures if more room is available to
       DY    - Same as DX, but in Y direction.  If omitted, then DY = DX
       WIDTH - Integer scalar giving the character width of the output device.
               Default is 80 characters.
       DESCRIP =  Scalar string which will be written as a description over
               the output pixel values.   If DESCRIP is not supplied, and the
               output device specified by TEXTOUT is not a terminal, then the
               user will be prompted for a description.
       OFFSET - 2 element numeric vector giving an offset to apply to the
               display of the X,Y coordinates of the image (e.g. if the
               supplied image array is a subarray of a larger image).
Output Parameters
       Corresponding region of image is then displayed at
       the terminal.   If necessary, IMLIST will divide all pixel values
       in a REAL*4 image by a (displayed) factor of 10 to make a pretty format.
System Variables
       If the keyword TEXTOUT is not supplied, then the non-standard system
       variable !TEXTOUT will be read.    (The procedure ASTROLIB can be
       used to add the non-standard system variables.)
       IMLIST may not be able to correctly format all pixel values if the
       dynamic range of the values near the center pixel is very large
       Display the pixel values of an image array IM in the vicinity of 254,111
       IDL> imlist, IM, 254, 111
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written,    W. Landsman             June, 1991
       Added DESCRIP keyword    W. Landsman      December, 1991
       Treat LONG image as integer when possible, call TEXTOPEN with /STDOUT
       keyword, W. Landsman   April, 1996
       Use SYSTIME() instead of !STIME  August 1997
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Recognize new integer types, added OFFSET keyword  W. Landsman Jan. 2000
       Replace DATATYPE() with size(/TNAME)  W. Landsman Nov. 2001
       Handle NAN values in output display W. Landsman June 2004

Last modified by pro2html on 2004 June 16 at 03:55 UTC

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