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PKFIT Source code in pkfit.pro


       Subroutine of  GETPSF to perform a one-star least-squares fit
       Part of the DAOPHOT PSF photometry sequence
Calling Sequence
       PKFIT, f, scale, x, y, sky, radius, ronois, phpadu, gauss, psf,
                               errmag, chi, sharp, Niter, /DEBUG
Input Parameters
       F      - NX by NY array containing actual picture data.
       X, Y   - the initial estimates of the centroid of the star relative
               to the corner (0,0) of the subarray.  Upon return, the
               final computed values of X and Y will be passed back to the
               calling routine.
       SKY  -   the local sky brightness value, as obtained from APER
       RADIUS-  the fitting radius-- only pixels within RADIUS of the
               instantaneous estimate of the star's centroid will be
               included in the fit, scalar
       RONOIS - readout noise per pixel, scalar
       PHPADU - photons per analog digital unit, scalar
       GAUSS -  vector containing the values of the five parameters defining
               the analytic Gaussian which approximates the core of the PSF.
       PSF   -  an NPSF by NPSF look-up table containing corrections from
               the Gaussian approximation of the PSF to the true PSF.
       SCALE  - the initial estimate of the brightness of the star,
               expressed as a fraction of the brightness of the PSF.
               Upon return, the final computed value of SCALE will be
               passed back to the calling routine.
Output Parameters
       ERRMAG - the estimated standard error of the value of SCALE
               returned by this routine.
       CHI    - the estimated goodness-of-fit statistic:  the ratio
               of the observed pixel-to-pixel mean absolute deviation from
               the profile fit, to the value expected on the basis of the
               noise as determined from Poisson statistics and the
               readout noise.
       SHARP  - a goodness-of-fit statistic describing how much broader
               the actual profile of the object appears than the
               profile of the PSF.
       NITER -  the number of iterations the solution required to achieve
               convergence.  If NITER = 25, the solution did not converge.
               If for some reason a singular matrix occurs during the least-
               squares solution, this will be flagged by setting NITER = -1.
       No parameter checking is performed
Revision History
       Adapted from the official DAO version of 1985 January 25
       Version 2.0 W. Landsman STX             November 1988
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:13 UTC

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