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FTSIZE Source code in ftsize.pro


       Procedure to return the size of a FITS ASCII table.
Calling Sequence
       ftsize,h,tab,ncols,rows,tfields,ncols_all,nrows_all, [ERRMSG = ]
Input Parameters
       h - FITS ASCII table header, string array
       tab - FITS table array, 2-d byte array
Output Parameters
       ncols - number of characters per row in table
       nrows - number of rows in table
       tfields - number of fields per row
       ncols_all - number of characters/row allocated (size of tab)
       nrows_all - number of rows allocated
Optional Keyword Output
       ERRMSG  = If this keyword is present, then any error messages will be
                 returned to the user in this parameter rather than
                 depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL.  If no errors are
                 encountered, then a null string is returned.
Revision History
       D. Lindler  July, 1987
       Fix for 1-row table,  W. Landsman    HSTX,     June 1994
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Added ERRMSG keyword   W. Landsman   May 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:12 UTC

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