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FTCREATE Source code in ftcreate.pro


       Create a new (blank) FITS ASCII table and header with specified size.
Calling Sequence
       ftcreate, maxcols, maxrows, h, tab
Input Parameters
       maxcols - number of character columns allocated, integer scalar
       maxrows - maximum number of rows allocated, integer scalar
Output Parameters
       h - minimal FITS Table extension header, string array
Optional Output
       tab - empty table, byte array
Revision History
       version 1  D. Lindler   July. 87
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Make table creation optional, allow 1 row table, add comments to
       required FITS keywords    W. Landsman    October 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 October 18 at 03:34 UTC

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