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FTADDCOL Source code in ftaddcol.pro


      Routine to add a field to a FITS ASCII table
Calling Sequence
      ftaddcol, h, tab, name, idltype, [ tform, tunit, tscal, tzero, tnull ]
Input Parameters
      h - FITS table header.  It will be updated as appropriate
      tab - FITS table array.  Number of columns will be increased if
      name - field name, scalar string
      idltype - idl data type (as returned by SIZE function) for field,
               For string data (type=7) use minus the string length.
Optional Input Parameters
       tform - format specification 'qww.dd' where q = A, I, E, or D
       tunit - string giving physical units for the column.
       tscal - scale factor
       tzero - zero point for field
       tnull - null value for field
       Use '' as the value of tform,tunit,tscal,tzero,tnull if you want
       the default or no specification of them in the table header.
Output Parameters
       h,tab - updated to allow new column of data
Procedures Used
Revision History
       version 1  D. Lindler   July, 1987
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Updated call to new FTINFO   W. Landsman   April 2000

Last modified by pro2html on 2002 September 04 at 03:37 UTC

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