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FXBISOPEN() Source code in fxbisopen.pro


       Returns true if UNIT points to an open FITS binary table.
 Explanation : This procedure checks to see if the logical unit number given
               by the variable UNIT corresponds to a FITS binary table opened
               for read with the command FXBOPEN, and which has not yet been
               closed with FXBCLOSE.
 Use         : Result = FXBISOPEN(UNIT)
               If FXBISOPEN(UNIT) THEN ...
 Inputs      : UNIT    = Logical unit number returned by FXBOPEN routine.
                         Must be a scalar integer.
 Opt. Inputs : None.
 Outputs     : The result of the function is either True (1) or False (0),
               depending on whether UNIT points to an open binary table or
 Opt. Outputs: None.
 Keywords    : None.
 Calls       : FXBFINDLUN
 Common      : Uses common block FXBINTABLE--see "fxbintable.pro" for more
 Restrictions: None.
 Side effects: If UNIT is an undefined variable, then False (0) is returned.
               If UNIT points to a FITS binary table file that is opened for
               write, then False (0) is returned.
 Category    : Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic.
 Prev. Hist. : None.
 Written     : William Thompson, GSFC, 1 July 1993.
 Modified    : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 1 July 1993.
 Version     : Version 1, 1 July 1993.
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 August 07 at 09:41 UTC

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