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FXBGROW Source code in fxbgrow.pro


       Increase the number of rows in a binary table.
       Call FXBGROW to increase the size of an already-existing FITS
       binary table.  The number of rows increases to NROWS; however
       the table cannot shrink by this operation.  This procedure is
       useful when a table with an unknown number of rows must be
       created.  The caller would then call FXBCREATE to construct a
       table of some base size, and follow with calls to FXBGROW to
       lengthen the table as needed.  The extension being enlarged
       need not be the last extension in the file.  If subsequent
       extensions exist in the file, they will be shifted properly.
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       UNIT     = Logical unit number of an already-opened file.
       HEADER   = String array containing the FITS binary table extension
                  header.  The header is modified in place.
       NROWS    = New number of rows, always more than the previous
Optional Input Keywords
       NOZERO   = when set, FXBGROW will not zero-pad the new data if
                  it doesn't have to.
       ERRMSG    = If defined and passed, then any error messages will be
                   returned to the user in this parameter rather than
                   depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL.  If no errors are
                   encountered, then a null string is returned.  In order to
                   use this feature, ERRMSG must be defined first, e.g.
                       ERRMSG = ''
                       FXBGROW, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, ...
                       IF ERRMSG NE '' THEN ...
       BUFFERSIZE = Size in bytes for intermediate data transfers
                    (default 32768)
Procedures Used
Common Blocks
       Uses common block FXBINTABLE--see "fxbintable.pro" for more
       The file must be open with write permission.
       The binary table extension in question must already by written
       to the file (using FXBCREATE).
       A table can never shrink via this operation.
Side Effects
       The FITS file will grow in size, and heap areas are
       preserved by moving them to the end of the file.
       The header is modified to reflect the new number of rows.
       Data Handling, I/O, FITS, Generic.
       Initially written, C. Markwardt, GSFC, Nov 1998
       Added ability to enlarge arbitrary extensions and tables with
         variable sized rows, not just the last extension in a file,
         CM, April 2000
       Fix bug in the zeroing of the output file, C. Markwardt, April 2005

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 April 13 at 03:11 UTC

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