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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany |
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Modify a FITS file by updating the header and/or data array.
Since August 2003, the size of the supplied FITS header or data array does not need to match the size of the existing header or data array.
MODFITS, Filename_or_fcb, Data, [ Header, EXTEN_NO =, ERRMSG=]
FILENAME/FCB = Scalar string containing either the name of the FITS file to be modified, or the IO file control block returned after opening the file with FITS_OPEN,/UPDATE. The explicit use of FITS_OPEN can save time if many extensions in a single file will be updated. DATA - data array to be inserted into the FITS file. Set DATA = 0 to leave the data portion of the FITS file unmodified HEADER - FITS header (string array) to be updated in the FITS file.
EXTEN_NO - scalar integer specifying the FITS extension to modified. For example, specify EXTEN = 1 or /EXTEN to modify the first FITS extension.
ERRMSG - If this keyword is supplied, then any error mesasges will be returned to the user in this parameter rather than depending on on the MESSAGE routine in IDL. If no errors are encountered then a null string is returned.
(1) Modify the value of the DATE keyword in the primary header of a file TEST.FITS. IDL> h = headfits('test.fits') ;Read primary header IDL> sxaddpar,h,'DATE','2001-03-23' ;Modify value of DATE IDL> modfits,'test.fits',0,h ;Update header only (2) Replace the values of the primary image array in 'test.fits' with their absolute values IDL> im = readfits('test.fits') ;Read image array IDL> im = abs(im) ;Take absolute values IDL> modfits,'test.fits',im ;Update image array (3) Add some HISTORY records to the FITS header in the first extension of a file 'test.fits' IDL> h = headfits('test.fits',/ext) ;Read first extension hdr IDL> sxaddhist,['Comment 1','Comment 2'],h IDL> modfits,'test.fits',0,h,/ext ;Update extension hdr (4) Change 'OBSDATE' keyword to 'OBS-DATE' in every extension in a FITS file. Explicitly open with FITS_OPEN to save compute time. fits_open,'test.fits',io,/update ;Faster to explicity open for i = 1,nextend do begin ;Loop over extensions fits_read,io,0,h,/header_only,exten_no=i,/No_PDU ;Get header date= sxpar(h,'OBSDATE') ;Save keyword value sxaddpar,h,'OBS-DATE',date,after='OBSDATE' sxdelpar,h,'OBSDATE' ;Delete bad keyword modfits,io,0,h,exten_no=i ;Update header endfor Note the use of the /No_PDU keyword in the FITS_READ call -- one does *not* want to append the primary header, if the STScI inheritance convention is adopted.
Uses the BLKSHIFT procedure to shift the contents of the FITS file if the new data or header differs in size by more than 2880 bytes from the old data or header. Also see the procedures FXHMODIFY to add a single FITS keyword to a header in a FITS files, and FXBGROW to enlarge the size of a binary table.
(1) Cannot be used to modifiy the data in FITS files with random groups or variable length binary tables. (The headers in such files *can* be modified.) (2) If a data array but no FITS header is supplied, then MODFITS does not check to make sure that the existing header is consistent with the new data. (3) Does not work with compressed files
Written, Wayne Landsman December, 1994 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Fixed possible problem when using WRITEU after READU October 1997 New and old sizes need only be the same within multiple of 2880 bytes Added call to IS_IEEE_BIG() W. Landsman May 1999 Added ERRMSG output keyword W. Landsman May 2000 Update tests for incompatible sizes W. Landsman December 2000 Major rewrite to use FITS_OPEN procedures W. Landsman November 2001 Add /No_PDU call to FITS_READ call W. Landsman June 2002 Update CHECKSUM keywords if already present in header, add padding if new data size is smaller than old W.Landsman December 2002 Only check XTENSION value if EXTEN_NO > 1 W. Landsman Feb. 2003 Correct for unsigned data on little endian machines W. Landsman Apr 2003 Major rewrite to allow changing size of data or header W.L. Aug 2003 Fixed case where updated header exactly fills boundary W.L. Feb 2004 More robust error reporting W.L. Dec 2004
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