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FITSDIR Source code in fitsdir.pro


     Display selected FITS keywords from the headers of FITS files.
     The values of either user-specified or default FITS keywords are
     displayed in either the primary header and/or the first extension header.
     Unless the /NOSIZE keyword is set, the data size is also displayed.
     The default keywords are as follows (with keywords in 2nd row used if
     those in the first row not found, and the 3rd row if neither the keywords
     in the first or second rows found:)
     TDATEOBS     TELNAME    TARGNAME  INTEG        ;First Alternative
     DATE         OBSERVAT             EXPOSURE     ;Second Alternative
                  INSTRUME             EXPTIM       ;Third Alternative
      FITSDIR will also recognize gzip compressed files (must have a .gz
      or FTZ extension).
Calling Sequence
                            ALT1_KEYWORDS= ,ALT2_KEYWORDS = ,ALT3_KEYWORDS =
Optional Input Parameters
     DIRECTORY - Scalar string giving file name, disk or directory to be
             searched.   Wildcard file names are allowed.    Examples of
             valid names include 'iraf/*.fits' (Unix), d:\myfiles\f*.fits',
             (Windows) or 'Macintosh HD:Files:*c0f.fits' (Macintosh).
Keyword Parameters
      KEYWORDS - FITS keywords to display, as either a vector of strings or as
                 a comma delimited scalar string, e.g.'testname,dewar,filter'
                 If not supplied, then the default keywords are 'DATE-OBS',
      ALT1_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited
                 strings of alternative keywords to use if the default
                 KEYWORDS cannot be found.   By default, 'TDATEOBS', is the
                 alternative to DATE-OBS, 'TELNAME' for 'TELESCOP','TARGNAME'
                 for 'OBJECT', and 'INTEG' for EXPTIME
      ALT2_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited
                 strings of alternative keywords to use if neither KEYWORDS
                 nor ALT1_KEYWORDS can be found.
      ALT3_KEYWORDS - A list (either a vector of strings or a comma delimited
                 strings of alternative keywords to use if neither KEYWORDS
                 nor ALT1_KEYWORDS nor ALT2_KEYWORDS can be found.
      /NOSIZE - if set then information about the image size is not displayed
      TEXTOUT - Controls output device as described in TEXTOPEN procedure
               textout=1       TERMINAL using /more option
               textout=2       TERMINAL without /more option
               textout=3       <program>.prt
               textout=4       laser.tmp
               textout=5       user must open file
               textout=7       Append to existing <program>.prt file
               textout = filename (default extension of .prt)
       EXTEN - Specifies an extension number (/EXTEN works for first extension)
               which is  checked for the  desired keywords.
       /NOTELESCOPE - If set, then if the default keywords are used, then the
                TELESCOPE (or TELNAME, OBSERVAT, INSTRUME) keywords are omitted
                to give more room for display other keywords.   The /NOTELESCOP
                 keyword has no effect if the default keywords are not used.
Output Parameters
  (1) Print info on all'*.fits' files in the current  directory using default
          keywords.   Include information from the extension header
       IDL> fitsdir,/exten
  (2) Write a driver program to display selected keywords in HST/ACS drizzled
       (*drz) images
         pro acsdir
        keywords = 'date-obs,targname,detector,filter1,filter2,exptime'
        return & end
   (3)  Write info on all *.fits files in the Unix directory /usr2/smith, to a
       file 'smith.txt' using the default keywords, but don't display the value
        of the TELESCOPE keyword
       IDL> fitsdir ,'/usr2/smith/*.fits',t='smith.txt', /NoTel
       FINDFILE (or FILE_SEARCH if since V5.5) is used to find the specified
       FITS files.   The header of each file is read, and the selected
       keywords are extracted.   The formatting is adjusted so that no value
       is truncated on display.
System Variables
       TEXTOPEN (called by FITSDIR) will automatically define the following
       non-standard system variables if they are not previously defined:
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written, W. Landsman,  HSTX    February, 1993
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Search alternate keyword names    W.Landsman    October 1998
       Avoid integer truncation for NAXISi >32767  W. Landsman  July 2000
       Don't leave open unit    W. Landsman  July 2000
       Added EXTEN keyword, work with compressed files, additional alternate
       keywords W. Landsman     December 2000
       Don't assume floating pt. exposure time W. Landsman   September 2001
       Major rewrite, KEYWORD & ALT*_KEYWORDS keywords, no truncation,
             /NOSIZE keyword     W. Landsman,  SSAI   August 2002
       Assume V5.3 or later W. Landsman November 2002
       Fix case where no keywords supplied  W. Landsman January 2003
       NAXIS* values must be integers W. Landsman SSAI  June 2003
       Trim spaces off of input KEYWORD values W. Landsman March 2004
       Treat .FTZ extension as gzip compressed  W. Landsman September 2004

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 22 at 17:20 UTC

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