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MID_RD_IMAGE Source code in mid_rd_image.pro


       Get a pixel matrix and some support information from a MIDAS file.
Calling Sequence
Input Parameters
       IMAGE = Filename or Logical Unit Number.
       * If a filename is given, the file will be opened and closed using a
               local LUN.  The filename is that of the MIDAS image, without
               extension (.BDF will is assumed) or version number (latest
               version is assumed).
       * If a LUN is given, the file associated with that LUN will be used.
Output Parameters
       NAXIS = Number of dimensions in MIDAS image. I*4 values.
       NPIX  = Array containing the dimensions. I*4 values.
       DATA  = Array containing the MIDAS image. Dimensions are defined by
               NAXIS and NPIX. R*4 values.
       0) Check inputs and set error handling.
       1) Open file for access using the access method indicated by the type of
       the input parameter IMAGE.
       2) Get the descriptors of the IMAGE.
               a) NAXIS set the output parameter NAXIS to this value.
               b) NPIX  set the output parameter NPIX to this value.
       3) Locate the pixel data start block
       4) Load pixel data into output parameter DATA
       5) Terminate file access as is proper for the type of parameter IMAGE.
       1) There must be only one FCB and it must be in VBN 1.
       2) The LDBs must begin in VBN 2.
       3) All descriptors must be in the first LDB.
       4) Currently only works for real data, does not check to see if this is
               true or not.
       5) Midas file extensions (.bdf, .tbl) assumed lower case.
       FM   - F. Murtagh, ST-ECF
       SAV  - Stephen A. Voels, USM/DAN
Revision History
       OCT 1988 FM   Initial programing and decoding of MIDAS files.
       FEB 1989 SAV  Name and calling sequence change.
               General reprograming for effeciency and modularity.
               Additional parameter checking.
       MAY 1989 FM   Minor change for case of 1-d images.
       FEB 1991 FM   Conversion to V. 2 IDL, Unix.
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:12 UTC

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