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IRAFRD Source code in irafrd.pro


       Read an IRAF (.imh) file into IDL image and header arrays.
       The internal IRAF format changed somewhat in IRAF V2.11 to a machine
       independent format, with longer filename allocations.  This version
       of IRAFRD should be able to read either format.
Calling Sequence
       IRAFRD, im, hdr, filename, [/SILENT ]
Optional Input Parameters
       FILENAME -  Character string giving the name of the IRAF image
               header.  If omitted, then program will prompt for the
               file name.  IRAFRD always assumes the header file has an
               extension '.imh'.    IRAFRD will automatically locate the
               ".pix" file containing the data by parsing the contents of
               the .imh file.   (If the parse is unsuccesful, then IRAFRD looks
               in the same directory as the .imh file.)
Output Parameters
       IM - array containing image data
       HDR - string array containing header.  Basic information in the
               IRAF header is converted to a FITS style header
Optional Input Keywords
       /SILENT  - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then messages displayed
               while reading the image will be suppressed.
       (1)  Image size and history sections of the IRAF header are copied
               into the FITS header HDR.  Other information (e.g. astrometry)
               might not be included unless it is also in the history section
       (2)  IRAFRD ignores the node name when deciphering the name of the
               IRAF ".pix" file.
       (3)  Certain FITS keywords ( DATATYPE, IRAFNAME) may appear more than
               once in the output name
       (4)  Does not read the DATE keyword for the new (V2.11) IRAF files
       IRAFRD obtains dimensions and type of image from the IRAF header.
Procedures Used
Revision History
       Written W. Landsman, STX January 1989
       Converted to IDL Version 2.  M. Greason, STX, June 1990
       Updated for DecStation compatibility   W. Landsman   March 1992
       Don't leave an open LUN  W. Landsman   July 1993
       Don't overwrite existing OBS-DATE  W. Landsman  October 1994
       Don't bomb on very long FITS headers W. Landsman  April 1995
       Work on Alpha/OSF and Linux      W. Landsman     Dec 1995
       Remove /VMSIMG keyword, improve efficiency when physical and
               image dimensions differ   W. Landsman     April 1996
       Don't use FINDFILE (too slow)     W. Landsman     Oct 1996
       Read V2.11 files, remove some parameter checks W. Landsman Nov. 1997
       Fixed problem reading V2.11 files with long headers Jan. 1998
       Accept names with multiple extensions    W. Landsman   April 98
       Test for big endian machine under V2.11 format W. Landsman Feb. 1999
       Don't read past the end of file for V5.4 compatilibity  W.L.  Jan. 2001
       Convert to square brackets W.L   May 2001

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 August 07 at 09:37 UTC

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