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DBWRT Source code in dbwrt.pro


       procedure to update or add a new entry to a data base
Calling Sequence
       dbwrt, entry, [ index, append, /NoConvert ]
Input Parameters
       entry - entry record to be updated or added if first
               item (entry number=0)
Optional Input Parameters
       index - optional integer flag,  if set to non zero then index
               file is  updated. (default=0, do not update index file)
               (Updating the index file is time-consuming, and should
               normally be done after all changes have been made.
       append - optional integer flag, if set to non-zero the record
               is appended as a new entry, regardless of what the
               entry number in the record is.  The entry number will
               be reset to the next entry number in the file.
Output Parameters
       data base file is updated.
       If index is non-zero then the index file is updated.
Keyword Parameters
       NoConvert - If set then don't convert to host format with an external
               database.    Useful when the calling program decides that
               conversion isn't needed (i.e. on a big-endian machine), or
               takes care of the conversion itself.
       !PRIV must be greater than 1 to execute
Revision History
       version 2  D. Lindler  Feb. 1988 (new db format)
       converted to IDL Version 2.  M. Greason, STX, June 1990.
       William Thompson, GSFC/CDS (ARC), 28 May 1994
               Added support for external (IEEE) representation.
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman 24-Nov-1997

Last modified by pro2html on 2001 April 26 at 03:12 UTC

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