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Institut für Astronomie und AstrophysikAbteilung AstronomieSand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, GermanyNew Address! -- Neue Adresse! |
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Find sources in a database within specified radius of specified target
Uses QuerySimbad to translate target name to RA and Dec, and then uses DBCIRCLE() to find any entries within specified radius. Database must include items named 'RA' (in hours) and 'DEC' (in degrees) and must have previously been opened with DBOPEN Requires IDL V5.4 or later, Unix and Windows only
list = DBTARGET(target, [radius, sublist, /SILENT, DIS= ,/TO_B1950 ] )
TARGET - A scalar string giving an astronomical target name, which will be translated into J2000 celestial coordinates by QuerySimbad
RADIUS - Radius of the search field in arc minutes, scalar. Default is 5 arc minutes SUBLIST - Vector giving entry numbers in currently opened database to be searched. Default is to search all entries
LIST - Vector giving entry numbers in the currently opened catalog which have positions within the specified search circle LIST is set to -1 if no sources fall within the search circle !ERR is set to the number sources found.
DIS - The distance in arcminutes of each entry specified by LIST to the search center specified by the target.
/SILENT - If this keyword is set, then DBTARGET will not print the number of entries found at the terminal /TO_B1950 - If this keyword is set, then the SIMBAD J2000 coordinates are converted to B1950 before searching the database NOTE: The user must determine on his own whether the database is in B1950 or J2000 coordinates.
(1) Use the HST_CATALOG database to find all HST observations within 5' (the default) of M33 IDL> dbopen,'hst_catalog' IDL> list = dbtarget('M33') (2) As above but restrict targets within 2' of the nucleus using the WFPC2 camara IDL> dbopen,'hst_catalog' IDL> sublist = dbfind('config=WFPC2') IDL> list = dbtarget('M33',2,sublist)
QuerySimbad, DBCIRCLE()
Written W. Landsman SSAI September 2002
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Jörn Wilms (wilms@astro.uni-tuebingen.de)